I wonder if I put a few words here?

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Professional Resources

The Canadian Childcare Federation has an impressive amount of journals, It was hard for me to just pick three as I found that they all had the information I found to be interesting and important. After browsing through the list… Continue Reading →

Philosophy Assignment

  Question one      My vision working with children is to be their support, a person they can always come to. in three years, I see my greatest strengths with children to be more firm and positive  I envision… Continue Reading →

The Tree of life

Instead of drawing the tree, i made points where it would be on the tree    The Roots Write down where you come from on the roots. This can be your home town, state, country, etc. You could also write… Continue Reading →


How do I learn best? I learn best when someone is teaching me one on one, and hands-on. I also suffer from anxiety, which makes me a very quiet person and I need the freedom to ask questions without judgment… Continue Reading →


My vision of working with children is: That I’m smiling, laughing, and teaching with children. Learning there interested, and to gain knowledge on everything there interested in, so I’m able to give them my all.  In three years, I see… Continue Reading →

Code of Ethics

 I think I have a good understanding of ethical responsibilities but I feel like reading the code of Ethics is such an important document and a reminder that when caring for a child, you are also nurturing the entire family… Continue Reading →

Advocacy Assignment

Mental Health  the key messages you know about this issue?  The key message that everyone should know about mental health is that it affects everyone. It affects the way we think, the way we feel, and also affects the people… Continue Reading →

Program Models and Approaches Assignment

Model history: The history of the Young Parent Program at Vanier Secondary started in 1988, but the doors opened on September 13th, 1993. In 1988 they had a high increase in pregnancies. The statistics of teen births increase from  3.4%… Continue Reading →

In 1993, the Young Parents program at G.P. Vanier High School was formed in response to a need to help young parents complete their high school education. The young parent program supports education, childcare, social, and health needs of expectant… Continue Reading →

Feeling really overwhelmed

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